Friday, May 20, 2011

just perfect!

My little "b" is not the best sleeper. She has yet to sleep through the night and she is almost eight months old. She also only takes naps in my arms. For eight months I have been reading book after book, website after website looking for the magical cure to sleep. I have had friends that have used many different methods including but not limited to the "cry-it-out" method. I have tried the method myself and it is definitely NOT FOR ME!

After being so frustrated for so long about not getting enough sleep or thinking to myself: " If only I could put her in the crib at naptime, I could do so many things!" All of those thoughts STOPPED TODAY! I took a moment to just rest while in my usual napping position and saw that little face staring back at me. She looked so peaceful, so quiet and so happy! For just a second she smiled in her sleep as if to let me know she knew I was there with her and she loved it - and I did too! This one sleepy smile changed my thoughts on sleeping. How could I deny this perfect image of me and my husband (for those who know little "b," she looks exactly like her mama) this one thing? Where did I need to be? What did I really need to do that couldn't wait? Was it really that terrible to wake up at night to rock her back to sleep?

I looked at this little girl and decided from now on I'm cherishing each moment she needs me to hold her, anytime, anywhere! Who knows how long she will need me or want me to do this. She has grown so fast and before I know it this time will be a distant memory. So for now I will hold her tight, wake up anytime of night, and just stare at perfection - quiet and still at least twice a day. Ahhhh... just perfect!

I love you more than life b

sleepy girl in my arms

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